The Digital Services Act (DSA) is an EU regulation that entered into force in November 2022. It regulates the responsibility of intermediary services, and in particular online platforms, such as social media and marketplaces in a rapidly changing technological environment.
The DSA aims to increase the protection of users of online platforms by establishing a transparency and accountability framework for online platforms across the European Union.
Schibsted welcomes the DSA as it’s Schibsted’s vision to uphold a society built on trust and transparency. We are committed to conveying trade between millions of buyers and sellers through our safe and trusted online marketplaces.
The average monthly active recipients
The DSA requires online platforms, including Schibsted’s marketplaces to publish information of the monthly active recipients calculated as an average over the period of the past six months c.f. Article 24(2) of the DSA. The below calculations are based on the period from August 2024 to February 2025. The next update will be published in August 2025.
DBA: 3,0M
Bilbasen: 1,2M
Blocket: 7,6M
Tori: 4,3M
Oikotie: 3,5M
Source: internal estimates of average monthly active recipients.
Note on sources: the Monthly Active Recipients calculation is highly dependent upon the measurement method, given issues relating to respecting privacy, cookie consent, log-in rates, bot traffic, and de-duplication of users. The calculation is now based on internal measurements. The downside of this methodology is that users are not de-duplicated across logged-in users and anonymous users – respecting our users’ analytics consent choices – therefore the above calculation is directional only.