IR & shareholder policy

Person working with a tablet

IR policy

A dedicated and active management and investor relations department work continually in the financial market to ensure that relevant and sufficient information reaches the market at the right time and that correct information on Schibsted’s share prices is provided.

Contact with the Norwegian and international financial markets has high priority at Schibsted. Our objective is to raise awareness about the company, build confidence in Schibsted in the investment market and increase our share liquidity. Openness, availability and transparency form the basis for ensuring good relations with investors, analysts and other actors in the financial market.

Today, Schibsted receives broad analytic coverage from Norwegian and international brokerage houses and we have every intention to maintain this. Contact with international investors is important for Schibsted, and regular meetings with investors are arranged at home and abroad. These take the form of road shows, attendance at investor conferences, and meetings at the company’s head office in Oslo.

Shareholder policy

Schibsted is a listed company that must give competitive returns based on a sound financial situation. Schibsted’s Board of Directors considers it crucial that shares in the company are perceived as an attractive investment option.

One of the objectives of Schibsted’s Board is to promote shareholder returns by means of long-term growth in share prices and dividends. The Board will work to ensure that the company’s shares achieve a price that best reflects the long-term earning capacity of the company.

Schibsted is founded on strong positions in the Scandinavian media market, particularly in the newspaper industry. Earnings and cash flows from these activities are characterized by economic fluctuations, but strong brands indicate a long-term and stable position. In periods of recession, interesting opportunities can present themselves for a company that has succeeded in maintaining its capital strength.