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Regulatory releases


Sale of shares in TVNorge

Schibsted Schibsted has entered into an agreement with TV 2 AS whereby TV 2 AS will acquire Schibsted’s remaining 8% ownership in TVNorge for NOK 42 million. With this sale Schibsted has sold its 29.3% ownership in TVNorge for a […]

Salg av aksjer i TVNorge

Schibsted Schibsted har inngått avtale med TV 2 AS om salg av Schibsteds resterende 8% av aksjene i TVNorge. Kjøpesummen er kr. 42 millioner. Schibsted har dermed totalt solgt aksjer i TVNorge for ca. kr 154 millioner. Aksjene ble kjøpt […]


Schibsted The Norwegian Competition Authority today issued a press release regarding the Internet co-operation between Schibsted and Telenor. The press release states that the Competition Authority has decided not to intervene against the Internet co-operation between Telenor and Schibsted after […]

Ikke inngrep mot internettsamarbeidet mellom Telenor og Schibsted etter endringer i samarbeidet

Schibsted PRESSEMELDING FRA SCHIBSTED Konkurransetilsynets vurdering av Schibsted og Telenors Internett-satsinger (Oslo, 17. juni 1997) Det ble i ettermiddag utsendt vedlagte pressemelding fra Konkurransetilsynet vedrørende fusjon mellom Telenor Online AS og Schibsted Nett AS. Kontaktpersoner vil være: Peter Pay, Telenor […]

TV 2 – Lawsuit against the Government – Local TV

Schibsted The Chairman of TV2, Jan Erik Knarbakk, has informed the family, culture and administration committee of the Parliament that, if the Parliament wishes to remove the 75% distribution limitation for channels which co-operate with local TV, TV2 will contribute […]

TV 2 – Søksmål mot Staten – Lokal TV

Schibsted Styreformannen i TV 2, Jan Erik Knarbakk, har meddelt Stortingets familie-, kultur og administrasjonskomite at dersom det er Stortingets ønske å oppheve «taket» på 75% distribusjon for kanaler som samarbeider med lokal-TV, vil TV2 bidra til en slik løsning […]

Competition Authorities` review of the Internet activities of Schibsted and Telenor

Schibsted Competition Authorities’ review of the Internet activities of Schibsted and TelenorSchibsted today received a letter from the Competition Authorities, in which Schibsted is informed that the Competition Authorities, following a review of Schibsted ‘s and Telenor’s Internet activities, have […]

Konkurransetilsynets vurdering av Schibsted og Telenors Internett-satsinger

Schibsted (Oslo, 30. mai 1997) Schibsted har i dag mottatt brev fra Konkurransetilsynet der det orienteres om at Tilsynet etter en vurdering av Schibsted og Telenors internett-satsinger finner at det er grunnlag for å gripe inn i samarbeidet etter konkurranselovens […]

Sale of shares in TVNorge

Schibsted Schibsted has sold 21.33% of the shares in TVNorge to TV 2.The transaction value is approx. NOK 112 million, and will giveSchibsted a gain of approximately NOK 30 million in the 2. quarter. Thegain calculation reflects Schibsted’s share of […]

Salg av aksjer i TVNorge

Schibsted Schibsted har inngått avtale med TV 2 AS om salg av 21,33 % av aksjenei TVNorge.Kjøpesummen er ca. kr. 112 millioner, og transaksjonen vil giSchibsted en regnskapsmessig gevinst på ca. kr. 30 millioner i 2. kvartal.Gevinstberegningen hensyntar Schibsteds andel […]

Development in advertising volume and income for Aftenposten as of April 30 1997.

Schibsted During the presentation of Schibsted’s first quarter results today, CEO Kjell Aamot announced that the increase in Aftenposten’s advertising volume for the first four months of 1997 was approximately 10%. Advertising income also increased by approximately 10% during the […]

Schibsted`s 1st quarter 1997

Schibsted Schibsted’s 1st quarter 19971997 started on a positive note for Schibsted. Circulation and advertising volumes developed in a satisfactory manner, whereas the broadcast interests have had an uneven development. The activities of the magazine Dine Penger are consolidated as […]