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Regulatory releases


Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Mandatory notification of trade

Schibsted Media Group has allotted shares to participants in connection with the final outcome in one of the Group’s performance based share purchase program for 2012. The transfer of the shares is done in the coming days, and implies that […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Mandatory notification of trade

Schibsted Media Group has allotted shares to participants in connection with the final outcome in one of the Group’s performance based share purchase program for 2012. The transfer of the shares is done in the coming days, and implies that […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Delårsrapport 4. kvartal 2015

Schibsted Media Group la i dag frem sin rapport for 4. kvartal 2015. – 4. kvartal 2015 var et godt kvartal for Schibsted. Online rubrikk-virksomheten viste god vekst i inntekter og driftsresultat. Jeg er særlig fornøyd med utviklingen i våre […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Interim Financial Statement Q4 2015

Today, Schibsted Media Group released its Q4 2015 report.  “Q4 2015 was a good quarter for Schibsted. The online classifieds operations revenues and operating profit grew well. I am particularly satisfied with the performance in our French and Spanish operations”, […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Invitation to the presentation of Q4 2015 Results

We hereby invite you to participate at the presentation of the Schibsted Media Group Q4 2015 report on 19 February 2016. Quarterly Earnings ReleaseTime: 19 February 2016 at 07.00 CETInterim report, presentation materials, and spreadsheet with key figures and analytical […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Invitation to the presentation of Q4 2015 Results

We hereby invite you to participate at the presentation of the Schibsted Media Group Q4 2015 report on 19 February 2016. Quarterly Earnings ReleaseTime: 19 February 2016 at 07.00 CETInterim report, presentation materials, and spreadsheet with key figures and analytical […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Nedskrivninger og Andre inntekter og kostnader i 4. kvartal 2015

Schibsted Media Groups resultat for 2015 vil bli offentliggjort 19. februar 2016. Schibsted offentliggjør i dag at ordinær testing for nedskrivning ved årsslutt 2015 har resultert i nedskrivninger knyttet til immaterielle verdier på NOK 465 mill., som blir bokført i […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Impairment loss and Other income and expenses in Q4 2015

Schibsted Media Group’s full year 2015 financial statement will be published 19 February 2016. Schibsted announces today that the regular impairment testing at year end 2015 has resulted in an impairment loss related to intangible values of NOK 465 million, […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Schibsted signerer avtale om å kjøpe 80 prosent av Hemnet

Alle fire eksisterende aksjonærer i det svenske rubrikknettstedet for eiendom Hemnet har akseptert Schibsteds tilbud om å kjøpe Hemnet, og en avtale er signert. Avtalen verdsetter Hemnet til SEK 1,5 mrd. (EV på 100 prosent basis), noe som er likt […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Schibsted signs agreement to acquire 80 percent of Hemnet

All four existing shareholders of the Swedish real estate classifieds site Hemnet has accepted Schibsted’s offer to acquire Hemnet, and an agreement has been signed. The acquisition values Hemnet to SEK 1.5 billion (EV on a 100 percent basis), which […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Oppdatering om Svenska Dagbladet

Det vises til melding datert 12. mai 2015 angående intensjonsavtale om å etablere et nytt mediekonsern for abonnementsaviser i Sverige, med virksomhetene Svenska Dagbladet og MittMedia. Siden offentliggjøringen har Schibsted og MittMedia hatt konstruktive samtaler, men partene har konkludert med […]

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Update on Svenska Dagbladet

With reference to the release date 12 May 2015 regarding letter of intent to form a new media group for subscription newspapers in Sweden including Svenska Dagbladet and MittMedia. Since the announcement, Schibsted and MittMedia have held constructive talks, but […]