Published 2014-08-25

Camilla Jarlsby new EVP Organizational Development

Schibsted Media Group’s department for Organizational Development will expand its area of responsibility and be headed by EVP Camilla Jarlsby.

SVP Organizational Development, Einar Hålien takes on a new position focused at improving governance and efficiency in the Group.

EVP Camilla Jarlsby will from 1 September take charge of Organizational Development in Schibsted Media Group. She has been the Head of Legal Affairs at Schibsted ASA since 1998, and joined the Group Management Team in 2009.

“Camilla Jarlsby is a very experienced leader in Schibsted, and I am pleased that she takes on this important assignment. By lifting Organizational Development directly into the Group Management, we emphasize how vital this area is for us. Together with our strong divisions and companies, I am confident that we will make good progress the coming years, says CEO Rolv Erik Ryssdal.

Camilla Jarlsby’s new department will also be strengthened by assuming responsibility for some additional Group functions like Chief Security Officer (CSO) and a Compensation & Benefit Manager.

Legal (including Data Protection Officer Lars Vinden) will be merged with M&A under Jacob Møller. The new department will be reporting to CFO Trond Berger.

New assignment for Einar Hålien

At the same time, Einar Hålien takes on a new position focused at improving governance and efficiency in the Group. Hålien worked 11 years as Editor-in-Chief at Bergens Tidende before he joined Schibsted ASA in 2008. Here he has worked both as director of the Continuous Improvement-program and then as SVP Organizational Development.