Published 2017-01-04

Change of editor-in-chief in VG – New head of Norwegian media houses

Torry Pedersen (59) is leaving VG to lead Schibsted’s publishing business area in Norway. The Board of VG has appointed news editor Gard Steiro (40) as the new editor-in-chief and CEO. The changeover will take effect from 9 January 2017.

“I’ve had twenty-eight fantastic years in VG. The media industry is facing fundamental changes, and I look forward to working with all the Schibsted media houses in Norway, all of which enjoy strong positions in their respective markets,” says Torry Pedersen.

Schibsted’s ambition is to create ecosystems for editorial content and ads in Scandinavia, together with other players in the media industry. All editorial desks in Norway and Sweden will being using the new Schibsted Media Platform in the course of the year. Torry Pedersen has now been assigned responsibility for Schibsted’s Norwegian media houses. He will report to Didrik Munch, CEO of Schibsted Norge. Pedersen will also work closely with the global product unit which is headed by Terje Seljeseth.

“Torry has played a decisive part in winning VG the leading position it enjoys today in the digital media landscape. The results he achieved have attracted international attention ­­–­­­­­­­ and for good reason. I’m extremely delighted that he will be taking on a new task for Schibsted. All our media houses will now benefit from Torry’s experience, execution ability and strategic understanding. He is definitely the right man to lead Schibsted’s publishing business in Norway into the future,” says Didrik Munch.

By virtue of his new position, Pedersen will become board chair of VG, Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad and Fædrelandsvennen. 

Gard Steiro will take over as editor-in-chief and CEO of VG. Steiro has been VG’s news editor since 2015. Prior to that, he was editor-in-chief and news editor in Bergens Tidende.

“VG will have an exceptionally strong journalist and talented leader in Gard. In recent years, he has demonstrated a unique ability to both lead editorial desks through restructuring processes and raise the quality of journalism. Gard is without doubt the right candidate to take over the top position in our biggest media house,” says Munch.

VG’s staff was informed about the change of editor at a general meeting today. Steiro will formally take over as editor-in-chief on 9 January.