Published 2017-05-30

Creation Suite gets INMA’s top award for Best New Corporate Innovation Initiative

Schibsted Products and Technology was awarded top prize in the annual INMA Awards for its Creation Suite CMS, which aims to eliminate legacy workflows and empower Innovation in the newsroom.

The award was granted in the “Best New Corporate Innovation Initiative” category.

At the ceremony in New York, the award was picked up by Anna Kvernplassen, Associate Product Manager.

“It’s an honour to work with our team and I am truly inspired by our mission. This win has not only made us very proud, but it’s given us the chance to see how people in the industry all over the world view Schibsted and the Creation Suite”, said Anna Kvernplassen.

“At the INMA World Congress in New York I spoke with many people who already knew Schibsted and what we do. Schibsted was mentioned and referred to in the welcoming speech by the chairman of INMA and Facebook, and was also mentioned as a positive example by several of the speakers at the conference”, she said.

“People are impressed by our subscription models, our marketing campaigns, our digital transformation and tech. We are really in the forefront and need to continue to push the industry forward”, she added.

According to the judges at the INMA Awards, Schibsted Creation Suite is a powerful CMS that should be the industry norm in 2017.

What does the Creation Suite do

While selecting tools for the new, digital-only newsroom, Schibsted realized that existing newsroom tools were built around legacy print process, constraining its teams. Fragmented solutions existed for some modern, digital newsroom needs, but it would be difficult to teach the newsroom how to use all of these tools or develop consistent habits around them. A cohesive suite would be easier to learn and more habit-forming.

The toolset was developed in close collaboration with journalists and project managers across all of Schibsted’s newsrooms. The newsrooms understood the need for change and were active partners in identifying new ways of working and opportunities for improvement.

As a result, the Creation Suite has a pleasant and easy to learn interface. Among many features, it helps with more efficient and effective digital storytelling, it offers agile workflows without arbitrary approval processes, and it makes it easy to identify and reuse existing content. Perhaps most importantly, journalists now feel empowered to influence their tools and ways of working, and are now more inclined to look for opportunities to improve.