Published 2014-11-06

Cross-border cooperation between Blocket, FINN and Tori

Schibsted Media Group’s Nordic buy-and-sell sites, and have agreed to cooperate on improving customer security.

The cooperation entails sharing information and experiences and creating routines to assist the police and other authorities in their investigations into cross-border fraud.

“Through a Nordic cooperation on customer security issues, we can offer the police a far easier way of hunting down swindlers who operate across national borders. In the same way as our sites currently share information with national police forces, they will now also be able to obtain information from their sister sites in other countries via their local routines,” says Thomas Bäcker, Head of Customer Security at

The cooperation also involves a more structured way of exchanging information on courses of action and on how best to combat fraud.

“This will further enhance customer security on our sites and enable us to utilize experiences and technical solutions to a far greater extent,” says Bäcker.

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Customer security manager Thomas Bäcker at (left), Antii Lehto from and consumer protection manager Geir Petter Gjefsen at cooperate to prevent online fraud. Facsimile from Vasabladet/Photo: Lehtikuva/Vesa Molainen.