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Published 2024-03-05

I​da Ölmedal new culture editor at SvD


A strong voice in the cultural debate – and a curious publicist who gladly explores new paths. Ida Ölmedal takes the step from Sydsvenskan and Helsingborgs Dagblad to become the new culture editor at Svenska Dagbladet.

”The creativity at SvD’s cultural department has inspired me a lot in recent years. I look forward to engaging in playful cultural journalism with an open-minded approach,” says Ida Ölmedal.

For the past six years, she has made a strong impact as the culture editor at Sydsvenskan in Malmö. Now, Ida Ölmedal returns to Stockholm to lead SvD’s cultural department.

“Ida Ölmedal is an independent and open-minded voice that is always interesting, and often amusing, to read and hear. Whether it’s about Quran burnings or TV series and dating culture, she finds perspectives that provoke new thoughts. I am very pleased that she becomes SvD’s new culture editor,” says Lisa Irenius, editor-in-chief and CEO of SvD.

An active voice in the cultural debate

Ida Ölmedal began her career in journalism as an editor and editor-in-chief at the student newspaper Lundagård. She has also worked as a reporter at Dagens Industri and Fokus and as an editor for Expressen Kultur. Since 2018, as the culture editor at Sydsvenskan and Helsingborgs Dagblad, she has strengthened cultural journalism with new formats, a focus on storytelling, and efforts to engage readers. She has also been an active voice in the cultural debate through columns, podcasts, and her newsletter.

“SvD Kultur should be a leader in the cultural debate and the obvious choice for everyone who wants to stay informed about new culture and understand the ideas shaping the present and the future. I also want to invite readers to participate in new ways,” says Ida Ölmedal.

In recent years, SvD has consistently received praise for its podcast initiatives and narrative journalism, as well as recognition for innovations like ‘AI listens to podcasts,’ a new form of cultural journalism. Lisa Irenius notes that Ida Ölmedal will further strengthen SvD’s editorial team with its ambitions to continuously evolve journalism to make it even more relevant for readers and listeners.

“With Ida as the culture editor, SvD gains a curious individual who is eager to try new and exciting approaches. It will be exciting to see how she, together with the skilled members of the cultural department, further sharpens and rejuvenates SvD’s cultural journalism,” says Lisa Irenius. 

Ida Ölmedal will assume the position as the culture editor at SvD in May.