Published 2020-06-08

Recruitment for Schibsted Management Trainee Program 2021 cancelled

Schibsted regrets to announce that recruitment to next year’s Management Trainee Program will not be carried out.

(Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash)

“We are regrettably unable to carry out the necessary processes that the program and the candidates deserve during this period,” says Jonas Behrendt, Head of Schibsted Trainee Program at Schibsted.

Since the launch of Schibsted Management Trainee program in 1997, the aim has been to recruit young talent to Schibsted and qualify them for key positions in our companies. “To achieve our ambitious goals and keep the high quality of the program, we need to have the ability to constantly adapt to change,” Behrendt continues.

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, Schibsted has decided not to recruit for its Management Trainee Program 2021 during the fall of 2020. Recruiting the best talent is crucial for succeeding in the fast pace of change Schibsted is going through, and it is not possible to carry out the necessary processes that the program and the candidates deserve in a time like this. There is also uncertainty associated with the opportunities and follow up of the new trainees in a sufficiently good way.
As planned, the current trainees of 2020 will start the program in August and will not be affected. It is important to stress the importance of the trainee program for Schibsted, and not least the development of the trainees. We will continue developing the trainee program and focus on our trainees to make sure that the high quality of the program is kept and that the best talent will be wanting to apply for work in Schibsted in the future.

For further questions please contact Jonas Behrendt, Head of Schibsted Trainee Program.