Published 2019-03-06

Schibsted best on gender balance in Norway

Schibsted ranked number one out of 79 companies participating in the SHE Index 2019

Schibsted Tech Polska

“It is important to see that this is good business,” says CEO Kristin Skogen Lund.

The SHE Index was launched last year by the gender equality company called SHE Community. It measures how well Norwegian companies perform in gender balance and is carried out in cooperation with the advisory and auditing company EY.

“The survey represents my management team and their direct reports. For me, diversity and having talented people in the management team are paramount. I want to emphasize that the women in my leadership team are first and foremost there because they are best suited for the job,” says CEO Kristin Skogen Lund.

“The gender balance in the company is part of our sustainability strategy, and we are working towards the goals we have set ourselves continually. Gender balance and diversity contribute to better discussions, more creativity, innovation, understanding of what users and our readers want, and thus better results. We must continue to work with this and ensure the positive trend we are seeing,” says Kristin Skogen Lund.

Schibsted has systematically worked on women’s networks, career development and diversity in recent years. The company has also implemented measures to counteract unconscious prejudices in recruitment processes.

Read more here:

About She Community

EY press release