Published 2021-12-02

Schibsted Future Report 2022 launch event

We’re happy to announce the program and speakers for the launch of the Schibsted Future Report 2022!

The event, which will be streamed live on 16 December at 08.30, will be hosted by Aftenposten Junior Editor-in-Chief Mari Midtstigen.

Mari will take us through an inspiring morning where we’ll also hear Schibsted CEO Kristin Skogen Lund, together with guest speakers, give some thoughtful looks into some of the topics we cover in this year’s report.

Venture investments in the year of the tiger

Dan Ouchterlony, Head of Financial Services and New Ventures, will talk about the year of the tiger and how the developments in the VC world affect investment businesses and entrepreneurs, and what that means for a player like Schibsted. We’ll also welcome Andrew Kvålseth, Chief Investment Officer, and Christian Horn Hanssen, Lead Investment Manager, on to the stage to discuss what Schibsted is looking for in their investments.

A prime example of this is Geir Atle Bore, CEO of crowdlending company Funding Partner, who will join us to talk about their journey with Schibsted as a partner.

Finishing off the morning is Hanne Hollstedt, Head of Marketing in Schibsted Ventures Norway, who will tell us all about the true value of building a brand that people really love.

Check out the event on Facebook or LinkedIn to get all the latest information.
Or watch it directly on YouTube.


  • Host for the day Mari Midtstigen, Editor-in-Chief at Aftenposten Junior in Norway introduces the program of the day together with Kristin Skogen Lund, CEO at Schibsted.
  • First speaker on the screen from Stockholm; Dan Ouchterlony, Head of Financial Services and New Ventures.
  • Discussion on stage with Andrew Kvålseth and Christian Horn Hanssen on how to meet these trends and what Schibsted is looking for
  • Meet one of Schibsted’s startups! Geir Atle Bore, CEO of crowdlending company Funding Partner takes the stage
  • Hanne Hollstedt, Head of Marketing in Schibsted Ventures Norway, joins the Schibsted Future Report launch to talk about the true value of being a brand that people really love