Published 2019-04-08

Schibsted is the second best employer among women in Sweden

Schibsted is ranked as Sweden’s second-best employer among women.

This is shown in the annual survey Sveriges Bästa Arbetsgivare (Sweden’s Best Employers). “It´s great news and something we are very proud of,” says Lena Berlin Stålhammar, Head of Talent Acquisition at Schibsted. In addition, Schibsted climbs thirteen steps, to an eleventh place, when both men and women rank their employers.

It is with great pride that we see the latest results from the survey Sweden’s Best Employers where Schibsted in Sweden climbs all thirteen steps, to the eleventh place among 240 participating companies. And even more gratifying is that the women who participated in the survey place Schibsted on a very honourable second place.

Comments from some of our employees:

– One of my favourite parts about working for Schibsted is that every day offers something new. The variety of work plus support and camaraderie among co-workers makes me look forward to coming to work each day, says Alethea Renzi, Project Manager at E-tech.

– Fantastic colleagues that you meet every day, innovative culture, good leadership and a growth mentality. Getting to work with a service that contributes to society. That is Schibsted. And a broad network of contacts, says Zhenggang Yu, Performance Marketing Manager, at Lendo.

The survey is carried out by the company Universum on 240 companies from mixed industries where the employees can anonymously answer questions about their existing employer. The results are then compiled by Universum, which presents the results.

– With this survey, we can also state that Schibsted is Sweden’s most attractive media company, which we are clearly very proud of. And it is extra fun that we are so highly rated by women, in view of our work and focus on diversity, female networks and career development, says Lena Berlin Stålhammar.