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Published 2024-02-08

Schibsted Media’s Executive Management Team is announced

Schibsted’s work to separate the media business into an independent company has reached a new milestone. The Executive Management Team of Schibsted Media is now ready.

Siv Juvik Tveitnes

Before Christmas, Schibsted announced its intention to sell the media business to the Tinius Trust. The agreement between the two parties is expected to be signed during the first quarter. If so, Schibsted Media will become a separate company during the second quarter. In parallel, work is being done to lay the foundation for the new company. Today’s announcement of the new Executive Management Team is an important milestone.

“With today’s announcement of my new team, we have taken an important step in the direction of launching Schibsted Media as a new company. We are building a business that will lead the way in the Nordic media industry,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes, who will be CEO of Schibsted Media.

“The team is largely built on the principle of continuity from the current leadership team in Schibsted News Media, both with regards to our biggest brands and most important revenue streams, but also our technology. As an independent company, we will stand completely on our own two feet. This means that we will have to solve everything ourselves, especially in finance, HR and technology. The leaders for these areas are therefore given a greater mandate,” says Tveitnes.

Strengthens foothold in Sweden

In new roles, Øyulf Hjertenes and Fredric Karén will have special responsibility for Schibsted Media’s portfolio in Norway and Sweden, with the exception of VG, Aftenposten and Aftonbladet. This means that Hjertenes will be responsible for, among other things, BT, Stavanger Aftenblad, niche media and print, as well as partnerships in Norway. Karén will be responsible for Svenska Dagbladet, Omni and partnerships in Sweden. Both have a background in journalism and have been publishers at Bergens Tidende and Svenska Dagbladet respectively.

“We have significant growth ambitions in Sweden. With Fredric at the helm, we will have a particular focus on the Swedish market going forward, both in terms of new opportunities, but also to build the presence we already have,” says Tveitnes.

“Schibsted has been in the Swedish market for more than 25 years, with Aftonbladet and SvD. With the Trust as sole owner and a strong, dedicated Executive Management Team, we will have the power we need to seize new and exciting opportunities, but also to develop the media houses we already have. I am very much looking forward to being part of this development and working to strengthen Schibsted’s presence in Sweden,” says Karén.

Two new members of the team

Grethe Malkmus and Stine Halla are new additions to the Executive Management Team. Today, Malkmus is responsible for the People function in Schibsted and Halla is responsible for Finance in Schibsted Nordic Marketplaces. Both have held roles in Schibsted News Media in the past, and know the organisation well. They look forward to returning to the media industry when the separation of Schibsted is formalised.

“It’s an exciting opportunity to work with something that lies close to my heart; upholding the integrity and purpose of independent journalism, that both our democracy and society depend on,” says Malkmus.

“It definitely feels like coming home, even though I have had some fantastic years in Nordic Marketplaces. Now, I’m looking forward to contributing in building a new and dedicated media company,” says Halla.

The Executive Management Team of Schibsted Media will consist of the following individuals:

Siv Juvik Tveitnes – CEO

Stine Halla – responsible for Finance, Strategy, Legal and M&A

Markus Rudberg – responsible for Technology

Grethe Malkmus – responsible for People, Communication and Facility

Tor Jacobsen – responsible for Product and Subscription

Per Håkon Fasting – responsible for Advertising

Gard Steiro – Publisher at VG

Trine Eilertsen – Publisher at Aftenposten

Lena K. Samuelsson’s successor – Publisher at Aftonbladet

Fredric Karén – responsible for the Portfolio in Sweden

Øyulf Hjertenes – responsible for the Portfolio in Norway