Published 2015-08-31

Schibsted news on board

NSB is updating its entertainment app. That gives passengers the chance to download all of Schibsted`s daily newspapers for free.

Schibsted recently signed a distribution agreement with NSB.

“This is an exciting cooperation. Train passengers have the time to read papers and it is exactly in these kinds of situations we wish to reach out to our readers. We hope that this will also give new readers the opportunity to learn to know our digital newspapers,” says Espen Egil Hansen, chief editor and CEO in Aftenposten.

New testing ground

Hansen emphasizes that Schibsted is not giving away the content for free, even though train passengers can download it without any charge.

“This is a commercial agreement, similar to one we already have with Scandinavian Airlines. We wish to learn through new partnerships and business models, without losing focus on our own core activities,” says Hansen.