Published 2018-05-04

Schibsted – one of the most attractive employers in Norway

And “climber of the year” among IT students

Universum unveils Norway’s most attractive employers and students’ career preferences at Norwegian universities and colleges. This year, more than 12,000 students expressed their opinion.

Schibsted is ranked No. 23 among IT students, thus climbing 7 places. In additon, was ranked as the 7th most attractive employer. Interestingly, Schibsted holds a higher ranking among IT women at number 11, whereas men ranked it number 28.

“Mixed groups perform better. And it is so much more fun. I’m very happy that Schibsted is such a strong climber among tech-women. We look forward to welcoming more female tech talent into our data science and software engineering teams,” says Atelach Alemu Argaw, Director of Data and Privacy at Schibsted Media Product and Tech.

“We’re incredibly pleased to see that a clear, long-term effort communicating and delivering on our Employer Value Proposition results in technology students seeing us an employer they want to join,” says Jonas Behrendt, Head of Trainee Programmes at Schibsted.

A breakdown in the analysis shows that Schibsted has a good score among technologists. A closer look shows that IT students who wish to work in Schibsted associate the business, among other things, with exciting products, good career references and varied tasks. More than 80% connect Schibsted with exciting work tasks.

“Technology is changing how we do business. Being the preferred employer among tech talents is the secret sauce,” says Kjersti Thorneus Director of Product at Schibsted Media Product and Tech.

Company Awareness remains stable at more than 70% among IT students, and the conversion from “considering” to choosing Schibsted as a dream employer has increased strongly, from 37% to 46%.