Published 2017-04-26

Schibsted’s environmental heroes save 16,3 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions

16,3 million tons – that’s how much greenhouse gas emissions the users of Schibsted’s marketplaces saved by buying and selling used goods last year. 

The positive effect from the eight countries that took part in the study equals:

• 1440 flights around the globe in the world’s biggest airplane.  

The annual greenhouse gas emissions of 1,8 million Europeans.

The production of 66 million sofas.

• Paris streets free of traffic for six years.

How much pollution can potentially be saved annually through secondhand trade if each used product replaces the production of a new one? The answer is in Schibsted Media Group’s report “The Second Hand Effect”.

The environment and sustainability are burning issues and many people want to know how they can contribute to a better world. The users of Schibsted’s marketplaces actually do contribute every time they buy or sell something used – they are true environmental heroes!

“With our report ‘The Second Hand Effect’ we want to spread the word on the fantastic impact our users make. Thanks to a unique calculation we are able to convert the environmental benefit from our users’ trade into numbers”, says Lena K Samuelsson, EVP Communications and CSR Schibsted Media Group.

This is the second year the global report ”The Second Hand Effect” is presented and this time eight of Schibsted’s 30 international marketplaces participate:

Leboncoin in France
• Blocket
in Sweden
Finn in Norway
• Subito in Italy
Vibbo in Spain
Tori in Finland
Jófogás in Hungary
Avtio in Morocco

Together, these sites had more than 60 million unique visitors per month in 2016. The report shows how much greenhouse gas emissions the users potentially saved by buying used products instead of new.

“To do business in a responsible and sustainable way is crucial if we want to succeed amongst the knowledgeable and engaged consumers of today. The power of journalism in helping democracy is evident through Schibsted’s media houses. With this report, we now also show the great benefits of our marketplaces around the world. To see the big impact we can have together with our users makes me really proud,” says Rolv Erik Ryssdal, CEO Schibsted Media Group.

Schibsted’s ”The Second Hand Effect” is launched as a global site and with an awareness-raising campaign in Schibsted’s media. In addition, the participating countries will run national campaigns throughout the year to make consumers aware of the good choices they can make, and raise awareness on environmental issues in their respective markets.

Shopping secondhand is great for making bargains but it also contributes to reducing our environmental footprint. The biggest contributor to Schibsted’s “The Second Hand Effect” is Leboncoin in France: with 22 million unique visitors each month, their result is 7,5 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions saved.

Schibsted has developed the unique calculation in cooperation with IVL, The Swedish Environmental Institute. To learn more about the results and the method please visit

For more information please contact:

Thomas Ford
Head of Public Relations
Schibsted Media Group
Tel: +47 23 10 66 00
Mob: +47 920 38 811