Published 2021-04-21

Winners of the Power of Journalism Awards 2021

Celebrating and showcasing outstanding journalism from our talented teams

“The Power of Journalism Awards honour the quality journalism and editorial framework that are vital for upholding a society based on trust and transparency. In an increasingly complicated media landscape, edited and fact-based journalism serves as a pillar of democracy, and we want to celebrate that,» says Schibsted CEO Kristin Skogen Lund.

Each year we nominate the very finest work from our talented teams in three categories: Best Storytelling; Best Innovative Entry; Best Scoop. An expert external jury is tasked with choosing the most worthy winners.

And the winners of the Power of Journalism Awards 2021 are…

Best Storytelling 2021 – Aftenposten with “To brødre” ?

Contributors: Harald Stolt-Nielsen, Lene Skogstrøm & Fredrik Hager-Thoresen

The Jury’s grounds for their decision:
This story gives power to voices that are rarely heard, but who we tend to talk about. By portraying two young men with compelling and well-told craftsmanship, it develops into a story about our society and gives the readers new perspectives.

The winner tells a story with all available tools and it opens our eyes to a bigger story with great importance to the reader. The story masterly gives a rich voice to a complicated story.

Best Innovative Entry –  Verdens Gang with “The Corona Live Tracker” ?

Contributors: The corona team from VG Editorial Development and VG Breaking

The Jury’s grounds for their decision:
VG’s “The Corona Live Tracker” is a fact-based beacon in an era of rushed conclusion and rumours. By finding relevant, existing data, evaluating and enriching them, journalism gives new, groundbreaking answers to the audience.
The winner is superbly engineered and designed innovation and the fact-based, all journalistic approach has made the winner an oracle for an audience who crave accurate, relevant information.

Best Scoop – Aftenposten with “Akson og konsulentmillionene” ?

Contributors: Henning Carr Ekroll og Nina Selbo Torset

The Jury’s grounds for their decision:
Bureaucracy and corruption are upsetting to most people but is often too complex to make compelling journalism. With solid methods and tireless reporting, Aftenposten has revealed one of the largest misuses of public resource and has created journalism with great impact.

The winner uncovers upsetting facts with great importance to the audience. The skills and staying power by the journalists creates one of the groundbreaking scoops of 2020.

The Jury

An expert external jury was appointed to face the tough task of judging the 20 high-quality entries in this year’s awards.

“We expected lots of stories and scoops about the corona pandemic, but there has also been a nice variety in this year’s contribution. The Corona pandemic is an important and major news event, but it has not knocked out other news which is very reassuring,” says head of the Jury, Olle Lidbom.

This year’s expert jury members are:
Olle Lidbom – Head of Jury
Kerstin Brunnberg
Pia Kristina Rehnquist
Lucas H. Weldeghebriel
Lars Kristiansen