Published 2016-01-13

Women in tech: Meet Anna Danielewska-Tułecka

Anna Danielewska-Tułecka works as a team leader in Schibsted Tech Polska. To her, a career in tech is like being on the edge of the most exciting innovation.

What sort of tech-projects have you been working on?

I have worked on several projects, among them design and implementation of a common e-learning platform; KristiansandBy, a web application for Faedrelandsvennen; the EU project iCamp, WordPress API implementation and infrastructure management.

What made you choose a career in the tech field?

It feels like being on  the edge of the most exciting innovation. IT is evolving really fast and changing peoples lives. It’s very interesting!

Why did you decide to work in Schibsted Tech Polska?

I like the people and the way people work here – in small, quite independent teams, using agile methods. I have a feeling that I can influence the way we do things and what we do.

What are the advantages of working in Schibsted Media Group?

In Schibsted Media Group it feels like I can make a difference. That makes me much more motivated and passionate about my work.

What could Schibsted do to attract more women in tech positions?

Make them more visible!

What does the future look like for women in the tech field?

I think there will be more and more women in IT, and they will be better and better. Also, there won’t be any doubts about gender equality.