2nd Quarter Accounts 2000 TV 2, Published 09/08/2000 16:31:00

The TV 2 group today announced their accounts as at second quarter 2000:

Income statement (NOK) As at 2nd quarter 2000:

Operating income: 776 421

Operating profit: 161 645

Net profit/Loss for the year: 193 130

Income statement (NOK) As at 2nd quarter 1999:

Operating income: 657 879

Operating profit: 22 486

Net profit/Loss for the year: (8 470)

Schibsted’s share of the net profit as at 2nd quarter 2000 amounts to NOK 64.4 million. NOK 39.6 million of this relates to gain from sale of shares in Canal Digital.

More detailed information regarding TV 2’s accounts and current projects is to be found in their own press release at www.tv2.no