3rd Quarter Accounts 2000 TV 2, Published 26/10/2000 08:32:00

The TV 2 group today announced their accounts as at third quarter 2000:

Income statement (NOK million)

As at 3rd quarter 2000

Operating income: 1 072

Operating profit: 142

Net profit/Loss for the year: 155

As at 3rd quarter 1999

Operating income: 942

Operating profit: 16

Net profit/Loss for the year: (24)

Schibsted owns 33,3% of TV 2 and Schibsted’s share of the net profit as at 3rd quarter 2000 amounts to appr. NOK 52 million.

More detailed information regarding TV 2’s accounts and current projects is to be found in their own press release at www.tv2.no

Oslo, 25th October 2000


Mette D. Storvestre

Investor Relations Manager