A letter of intent has been signed where Scanpix Scandinavia AB 1st January 2000 acquires 49% of the Danish imagebank Nordfoto. This makes Scanpix one of the leading imagebanks in Europe. Estimated turnover for 1999 is appr. SEK 110 mill. The acquisition is expected to increase the turnover to appr. SEK 180 mill. Scanpix Scandinavia AB is the holding company of the group and is owned 72% by Schibsted. Förenade Landsortidningar (FLT) owns 18% and Norsk Telegrambyrå (NTB) 10%. According to the letter of intent the owner of Nordfoto, Berlingske, will have a settlement consisting of a 15% share in Scanpix Scandinavia AB in addition to a smaller cash payment.