Intention to sell stake in Adresseavisen ASA

Adjustment to media ownership regulations , Published 25/04/2007 08:06:04

Schibsted has decided to put its stake in Adresseavisen up for sale. Schibsted currently owns 652,164 shares in the company, equivalent to 34.3% of the total share capital. Carrying amount was NOK 149 million by the end of 2006. The process is expected to be finalised by the end of June. The process will be coordinated with the management and the board of directors of Adresseavisen.
A sale of the ownership stake will bring Schibsted’s share of the total circulation in Norway below 33.3% upon the establishment of Media Norge.
Contact persons:
CFO Trond Berger, tel.: +47 91 68 66 95
EVP Schibsted Norway Birger Magnus, tel.: +47 90 03 00 93
Oslo, 25 April 2007