Conditions in the Prospectus for the Tender Offer for Alma Media

Schibsted ASA (SCH) , Published 23/12/2004 13:42:33

Based upon the statements from Alma Media regarding structural changes considered by the Alma Media Board and management, Schibsted finds it necessary to inform the investor market of an important condition in the forthcoming Tender Offer Prospectus.
Schibsted will reserve the right to withdraw the Tender Offer for Alma Media should Alma Media, before or during the tender offer period, dispose of parts of the Alma Media operations.
The Prospectus for the Tender Offer for Alma Media is expected to be ready and approved by the Financial Investment Authority in Finland early January 2005.
Oslo, 23 December 2004
Trond Berger
Konserndirektør Økonomi/Finans