Interim Financial Statement per 30.6.2005

Schibsted ASA (SCH) , Published 11/08/2005 16:30:00

At the Board meeting today, the Board of Directors of Schibsted ASA approved the interim financial statement as of June 30, 2005.
Please find enclosed the Interim Report for 2nd Quarter 2005.
Information on internet:
Schibsted’s web site:
  • The Group delivered a strong result for the 2nd quarter, with an operating profit (EBITA) of NOK 309 million (NOK 228 million). This produces an operating margin of 12% (10%).
  • A strong advertising market in the 2nd quarter for the Group’s newspapers and the TV channels.
  • Increased investments in new operations impacted the profit and loss account by approximately NOK 35 – 40 million in the 2nd quarter.
  • Continued positive developments for the Group’s online operations. These comprised 20 % (21 %) of the Group’s operating profit (EBITA) in the 2nd quarter.
  • FINN produced its best ever quarterly result and achieved an operating margin of 50 %.
  • Aftonbladet continued to produce strong figures and its advertising revenues are record-high. 
  • Aftenposten continued to increase its advertising revenues, mainly as a result of an improved recruitment market.
  • VG achieved high advertising revenues in the 2nd quarter, but its increased focus on product development led to increased costs. VG’s circulation figures continued to fall in the 2nd quarter.
  • Svenska Dagbladet’s advertising revenues and circulation figures increased in the 2nd quarter, and the company produced a good result – an operating profit of SEK 4 million (SEK -10 million). 
  • Metronome Film & Television increased its revenues by 30 % in the 2nd quarter compared to the corresponding period last year and has a good order backlog for the 2nd half-year.
  • Sandrew Metronome’s 2nd quarter result was affected by the sale of the Swedish cinemas and changes to the distribution agreement with Warner Home Video.
  • TV 2 and TV4 produced strong figures in the 2nd quarter as a result of good advertising markets.
  • New readership surveys show that 20minutos (Spain) is maintaining its position as Spain’s third-largest newspaper, with 2 129 000 readers each day.
    Consolidated result (IFRS)
    Oslo, 11 August 2005
    The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link:
    Presentation of 2nd quarter 2005 can be downloaded from the following link: