The employees of the Schibsted group have this year, as in previous years, been offered to buy shares in Schibsted ASA for up to NOK 6,000 at a discounted price. The price was equal to the closing price on November 17th 2010 minus a 20% discount. This gives a price of NOK 122.40 per share and implies an acquisition of 49 shares. The subscription deadline was 17 November 2010. The following primary insiders have signed up for this offer:
Name/new number of shares incl. close affiliates
Askildsen, Ingrid | 213 | |
Berger, Trond | 18,923 | |
von der Fehr, Anne Lise Mørch | 149 | |
Halla, Stine | 49 | |
Jarlsby, Camilla | 1,956 | |
Jenssen, Roy Alvin | 49 | |
Johansen, Frank Johan | 260 | |
Jonsen, Marit | 204 | |
Kagge, Gunnar | 174 | |
Munck, Sverre | 16,526 | |
Nilsen, Britt | 284 | |
Odinsen, Hege Lyngved | 417 | |
Olufsen, Bernt | 17,698 | |
Pedersen, Torry | 2,728 | |
Rambøl, Sigrid | 212 | |
Ryssdal, Rolv Erik | 11,236 | |
Steigedal, Jo Christian | 795 | |
Thorenfeldt, Catharina | 819 | |
The shares will be transferred to the individuals within the next few days.
In connection with the employee share offering, Schibsted ASA has sold 36,211 own shares to the foundation ‘Stiftelsen Schibstedansattes Aksjekjøp’ at an average price of 153,00. After the transaction, Schibsted holds 4,491,461 own shares, of which 4,451,961 are held by Schibsted ASA and 39,500 by the subsidiary Bergens Tidende AS.
Oslo, 3 December 2010
Jo Christian Steigedal
VP Investor Relations