1st half

TV 2 , Published 18/07/2002 17:31:07

Figures in NOK 1.000
                TV 2 Group
1st half-year 2002
1st half-year 2001
Operating revenues
755 171
741 181
Operating expences
701 452
676 563
Operating profit
53 719
64 618
Result from subsidiaries and ass. companies
-14 304
-35 387
Andel resultat tilknyttede selskaper
Net financial items
-13 424
-21 937
Profit before taxes
25 991
7 294
13 152
13 459
Minority interests
1 014
Net profit / (loss)
12 767
-5 151
Schibsted owns 33.3% of TV 2 and Schibsted’s share of the net profit of 1st half-year 2002 amounts to approx. NOK 4 million  
Oslo, 18 July 2002  
Schibsted ASA  
Elisabeth Blom Tindlund  
Investor Relations