Preliminary Annual Result 2003

TV 2 , Published 12/02/2004 09:45:30

The TV 2 Group AS announced their Preliminary Annual Result 2003 on February 11, 2004:
(Figures in NOK million)                 TV 2 Group
2003 2002
Operating revenues 1 618 1 566
Operating expences 1 423 1 358
Operating profit 195 208
Result from ass. companies -10 -19
Net financial items 15 -19
Profit before taxes 200 170
Net profit/loss 188 166
Schibsted owns 33.3% of the TV 2 Group AS and the share of the net profit of 2003 amounts to approx. NOK 61 mill.   
Oslo, February 12th, 2004   
Schibsted ASA   
Gisle Glück Evensen   
Investor Relations