Q1 2003

TV 2 , Published 06/05/2003 09:14:21

The TV 2 Group AS announced their 1st quarter 2003 results on May 5th, 2002:
(Figures in NOK 1,000)
                TV 2 Group AS
Q1 2003
Q1 2002
Operating revenues
375 159
353 290
Operating expences
374 900
381 487
Operating profit
-28 197
Result from ass. companies
-3 831
-14 541
Andel resultat tilknyttede selskaper
Net financial items
-4 700
2 500
Profit before taxes
-8 272
-40 238
-1 029
-7 710
Minority interests
Net profit/loss
-7 119
-32 444
Schibsted ASA owns 33.3% of the TV 2 Group AS and Schibsted’s share of the net loss of Q1 2003 amounts to NOK 2.4 million.
Oslo, May 5th 2003
Schibsted ASA
Elisabeth Blom Tindlund

Investor Relations Officer