1st quarter 2002

TV 2 , Published 24/04/2002 09:28:58

The TV 2 Group announced their 1st quarter 2002 results on April 23, 2002:

(NOK 1.000) TV 2 Group

Q1 2002 Q1 2001

Operating revenues 353 290 365 766
Operating expences 381 487 366 350
Operating profit -28 197 -584

Result from subsidiaries and
ass. companies -14 541 -24 196
Net financial items 2 500 -20 570
Profit before taxes -40 238 -45 350

Taxes -7 710 -5 160
Minority interests 84 510
Net profit/loss -32 444 -39 680

Schibsted owns 33.3% of TV 2 and Schibsted’s

share of the net loss of Q1 2002 amounts to approx. NOK -11 million.