TV 2: Result as of September 30. 1996, Published 25/10/1996 00:00:00

Date:Fre, 25/10 1996 Schibsted

TV 2: Result as of September 30. 1996

TV 2’s consolidated accounts for September 30. 1996 are as follows:

(NOK 1.000) 30.9.1996 30.9.1995

Total revenues 618 001 532 370
Program expenses 175 650 149 115
Personnel expenses 120 898 101 367
Other operating
expenses 200 685 178 669
Ordinary depreciation 29 592 22 190
Total operating
expenses 526 825 451 341
OPERATING RESULT 91 176 81 029
Net financial items 4 264 (4 821)
PRE-TAX PROFIT 95 440 76 208
Taxes 26 723
NET PROFIT 68 717 76 208

TV 2’s contribution to Schibsted’s income statement per September 30. is NOK 23.0 million, compared to NOK 23.2 million for the same period last year.

Kjell Aamot

Schibsted Hugin