Published 2014-04-09

Aftonbladet: Two impressive records in a row

Aftonbladet passed historic milestones in January and February and now reaches 3.3 million readers and viewers every day.

“This is a pleasing record, one that says a lot. It says that our journalism is established and that we are Sweden’s primary online news source. Our strategy to focus on developing Aftonbladet Mobil is also a key factor,” says editor-in-chief Jan Helin.

In the course of January, Aftonbladet broke all records by achieving a total reach of 3,171,000 readers and viewers every day. But then came February …

Highest reach ever

To say that the interest in the Olympics reached fever pitch is no exaggeration. The Sochi Olympics was therefore one of the main reasons why Aftonbladet again achieved the biggest reach in the media house’s history, totaling 3,346,000 readers and viewers.

“The result of the record-high overall coverage has been that Aftonbladet now reaches every other Swede under forty-five years,” says Fredrik Rogberg, Aftonbladet’s new Head of Analytics.

“Extremely impressed”

Fredrik Rogberg is impressed at the double record:”I’m extremely impressed at the drive in Aftonbladet’s organization, which is what gives us an average of 3.3 million users every day,” says Rogberg.

The new figures for February represent a general increase of 15 percent compared with the same period last year. The increase for mobile is 45 percent. Fredrik Rogberg confirms the theory of the Olympics effect: “These record-breading traffic volumes were strongly driven by Sportbladet’s reporting from the games, with the gold medal in the cross-country relay and the doping scandal surrounding the ice hockey final as the main drivers of traffic.”