Published 2014-04-15

Gulltaggen’s special award goes to

FINN was awarded a special award by Gulltaggen 2014, Norway’s biggest conference on digital communication.

This prestigious award is presented to a digital rock star, and goes to an individual, advertiser or agency that makes an outstanding contribution to moving the digital industry forward. The special award is presented by the INMA Board.

“I’m so incredibly proud to receive Gulltaggen’s special award on behalf of FINN. It may not be that easy for those of us who work in FINN every day to see how much we contribute to digital development in Norway, but for the rest of the industry it’s much easier. This award represents a wonderful acknowledgement of all of FINN’s four hundred employees,” said CEO Christian Halvorsen to his staff on the day after the award was announced.

The jury’s citation:

“This year’s winner of Gulltaggens’ special award is a company, not an individual. This company represents the break with traditional channels and the transition to the digital world. This company was one of the first to commit to new media and has pursued its course with a forward-looking focus that has bordered on the disruptive. This year’s winner is a company that has managed to keep the competition from abroad at bay, despite major global actors operating in the same arena. This year’s winner has also won popular favor and in doing so has helped counteract the modern-day throwaway culture. The INMA Board has named this year’s winner to pay homage to those who have dared to take the lead on behalf of the industry and who have never lost sight of their goal of creating their own future through innovative use of digital media. This year’s winner is”