Published 2020-04-03

Helping kids understand the Corona crises

In the middle of a pandemic, the need for information is unlimited. We are all surrounded by an enormous flow of information, rumours and unanswered questions – not least our kids.

Two of Schibsted’s newspapers – Aftenposten in Norway and Svenska Dagbladet in Sweden are now opening up their special papers for kids – Aftenposten Junior and SvD Junior. This can be a worrying time for children, thinking about the effect of the coronavirus on the people they love and how their everyday life has changed. The Junior papers can help them understand more about the situation – and support parents when speaking to their kids about the corona crises. Not least they can fight fake news.

In Norway, children are being cut off from friends and removed from schools. This isolation creates a breeding ground for social media conspiracy theories, inaccurate news and racing to the wrong conclusions. It’s never been more important to tell children the truth.

Also in Sweden children’s life is different and limited. Activities are put on hold, many are not in school. The papers can help out with information in this tough time, but also with telling other stories.

That’s why all school children in Norway can get a free digital subscription of Aftenposten Junior, during the period of homeschooling.

In Sweden, SvD Junior has gone digital and all subscribers of the main paper can access it in the pdf-version e-SvD, throughout April. Also, the Schibsted education service Hej Albert shows its support by offering free digital homework help to all families in Sweden during these challenging times. Read more here.

The coronavirus has impacted every level of society, including our business.

Schibsted is adapting, innovating and adding to its services to help our audiences during the corona crisis. Over 80 percent of our 5,000 staff are now working from home, with only crucial functions utilizing company offices. Despite this, we are 100 percent dedicated to delivering the news and services that the public demands – working harder than ever to find new solutions, add value and report from the front line.

This is a difficult time. Every individual has been affected by this crisis, but together we will get through it.