Published 2021-03-15

Herman Flesvig, Mikkel Niva and the trio in “Radioresepsjonen” due to start in Schibsted

“This is a joint Schibsted initiative, where our ambition is to gather Norway’s best podcast content in one place,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes, Executive Vice President of Schibsted’s news media.

Radioresepsjonen. Foto: Steinar Sagen.

“We already have high competence and position within podcasts through our media houses, and will invest further in quality content in the future. We believe this will contribute to more media diversity in audio, and a better offer to everyone who loves podcasts,” Siv Juvik Tveitnes continues.

Earlier this week it became known that the trio in “Radioresepsjonen” is due to end in NRK, without a new client being named.

“We are incredibly pleased to have made an agreement with Tore and Steinar Sagen and Bjarte Tjøstheim, and we are very much looking forward to working with them. We wanted to share the news earlier, but in such processes, there are naturally many considerations to take into account, so we simply did not have the opportunity to comment on this until now,” says Tveitnes.

“It is very nice that we can finally say where we are going, and even though it is both a bit exciting and scary, we have great faith in the direction Schibsted is taking regarding exclusive podcast content. At least we promise to continue to provide our loyal followers, and perhaps some new, light-hearted entertainment at a high level. We also have to come up with a new name,” says Steinar Sagen on behalf of the trio.

The Sagen brothers and Tjøstheim are not the only ones reporting a transfer from NRK. Herman Flesvig and Mikkel Niva, the duo behind Norway’s largest podcast “Friminutt”, will also be part of Schibsted’s new podcast initiative.

“After almost three years with “Friminutt”, it’s time to start working for a salary. When it comes to the actual content we are going to create, we can guarantee the same meaningless content, nonsense and fun as before,” says Herman Flesvig and Mikkel Niva.

“This is a big day for us, and had it not been for Corona, we would have been out celebrating and hugging. These names give us a fantastic kickstart to the investment. It is a great declaration of trust from all these five stars that they want to cooperate with us, and we will manage that trust with respect,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes.

Tveitnes says that the podcast initiative is something Schibsted has been working on for a long time, but due to the consideration of confidentiality regarding the profiles, very very few in Schibsted and the media houses have been familiar with the details of the project.

She is also clear that the podcast agreements of the Flesvig, Niva, Tjøstheim and Sagen brothers are with Schibsted, and not with the individual media houses.

“We understand that this good news will generate a whole lot of questions, but due to the agreements we have with our upcoming podcast stars, as well as competitive conditions, there is still some information we are not yet ready to share,” says Siv Juvik Tveitnes.