Published 2014-08-28 One million visitors in opening week

In just a week, Schibsted’s new viral site in Sweden has already reached more than a million visitors.

It’s been up and going for barely a week, however, has reached more visitors than Swedish news sites Nyheter24 and DN Mobil. It’s a dream start for Publisher Ehsan Fadakar, and Erik Carlsson, who manages the site.

“The numbers are very, very good and we are happy that people have embraced so soon,” Fadakar says to

Reaching new audiences

New audiences in Sweden will find their way to Schibsted’s digital content through the innovative, new viral site that’s been inspired by amongst other Upworthy, Gawker and Buzzfeed. contains different lists, videos, quizzes and social journalism aimed at primarily engaging those between the ages of 18-26.

“It’s an entertainment site with the kind of social stories that Eric is so good at. However, all the stories won’t be all funny and easygoing, as we will also feature heart-moving stories with a heavier angle,” says Fadakar.

Also, will aid in monetizing native advertising and sponsored news. At the moment, the site is featuring a campaign for the Swedish classifieds