Published 2014-08-14

Meet Rebecca from AyosDito

To be an outgoing bundle of energy is a plus in Rebecca Ricalde’s job helping build the online buy-and-sell lifestyle in the Philippines.

We have interviewed Senior Marketing Manager Rebecca Ricalde about her job in in the Philippines.

Why do you work in and what is it like?

The Philippines is one of the fastest growing internet populations in the last five years with 531 percent. I knew I wanted to be in an industry that’s fast-paced and aggressive and I found that in online classifieds and in

This is from Schibsted Classified Media (SCM) Superweek in Barcelona. I look forward to the SCM functional gatherings every year because I get to hang out and meet marketing folks from different sites. It helps to put a face to all the e-mails we send each other across the globe!

Which part of your job do you enjoy the most?

It’s very challenging and competitive. But what motivates me is that marketing for internet sites is very new in our country so we get very creative and resourceful.

‘Ayos dito’ means ‘good here’ in the local language, and we’ve always advocated the benefits of buying and selling in your local city. This year, participated in festivals in different cities to celebrate being local and show how ‘good’ it is to be ‘here’. This is the team getting ready for our float in Iloilo City for the Dinagyang Festival last January.

Tell us about a challenge (positive or negative) you have overcome either in your job or private life and how you did it.

My previous jobs were with very big Fortune 100 companies with thousands of employees in the office and all the resources to make things easier for you. I had to adjust to a smaller with around 50 employees in the office. I realized I had to do a lot of things outside my job scope to run the team. It was frustrating at first but the rewards of having a small and nimble team definitely outweighs the frustrations.

Our team is always looking for fresh inspiration and ideas in marketing. Last July, Uber launched a promo on Twitter to deliver a 3-pack Magnum ice cream for only €1.50! Of course, the team signed up for the promo – making our coffee break more enjoyable!

What do you do when you’re not working?

I love traveling! I can’t get enough of it! After living abroad for four years, my bucket list now is about the Philippines beaches. CNN released a list of the top beaches in the country and I see a lot I haven’t been to! I’m definitely checking them out soon.

I love traveling and this passion led me to the Atacama Desert in Chile. I hiked and camped all over the desert for about a week in 2010. This is one of the best adventures I’ve had so far.
Below is one of the most challenging selfies I’ve taken ever: me and a seven meter baby whale shark off the coast of Oslob, Cebu.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Have you seen Manila traffic? I’m an expert driving through the craziness. It’s a wild ride!

While living in Seattle, I adopted a rescue dog named Max. He’s almost half my size but I enjoy taking him on my trips when I can. This picture is in Wallace Falls in Washington. Max is now living with me in the Philippines – and yes, that’s his longest trip so far.

Despite our increasingly hectic schedules, my family takes time for a trip every year. This was in South Korea to celebrate my Dad’s 60th birthday in 2012.

Tips for others who would like to work at

It is important for us in that you not only deliver results but that you enjoy what you’re doing. We want people willing to roll-up their sleeves to try things out and have a passion for innovation.