Published 2016-04-01 expands product offer and geographical reach

Breakfast. Flowers. Bread. Pastry. Magazines. Along with a constantly expanding product offer delivered at your doorstep, Morgenlevering’s volumes and geographical reach are also growing on Østlandet and Vestlandet in Norway. 

This month, Schibsted Media Group’s Norwegian home delivery service celebrated its first anniversary. The past six months have been marked by strong growth and one sales record after the other.

The Daily Bread

“One important factor for this extensive growth is the increase in our product range, and especially the offering of fresh baked bread.  You can now order from our large selection of bread before 9 pm, and have it delivered freshly baked before you wake up the following morning. In fact, it is not possible to buy fresher bread outside bakeries, and these are delivered to your door,” says Anette Alnes, Head of Morgenlevering.  

The distribution of’s products is handled by the Helthjem network, and the technology behind is developed by the leading Nordic logistics and subscription technology service provider Distribution Innovation. Schibsted is co-owner of both Helthjem and Distribution Innovation.  

The offering of fresh bread to a reasonable price has changed Morgenlevering’s service from mainly being a provider of gourmet breakfasts on the weekends, to being an everyday service where the breakfasts are more of an add-on product. And the growth is like a fairytale, with new records every month since November 2015.  

Something Special for the Occasions

Even though Morgenlevering’s incredible growth is mainly due to the sale of bread products, other products such as pastries, breakfasts and sweets are important for the sales on the weekends and on special occasions. The offering of Lussekatter in December, fastelavensboller and heart-shaped cakes for Valentine’s Day and Norwegian Mother’s day turned out to be very popular.

Here you can read about when the popular Norwegian blogger Komikerfrue ordered breakfast for Father’s day in November:

Reaching a larger audience

On 1 December, Morgenlevering expanded the delivery to cover the city of Bergen and the county of Hordaland on the west coast of Norway.

“This has been an exciting opportunity to reach new audience, as well as new suppliers and products. In this region, we offer a selection of fresh cut flowers, showing that our service is not limited to food products only.  With the distribution system already up-and-running, there are few limits to which products the service could offer in the future,” Anette says.

“We have exciting times ahead. We are currently working on expanding our delivery to cover larger parts of the east of Norway with over 500,000 additional households. At the beginning of March, we expanded to Vestfold, Buskerud and Østfold with more households to come.This will increase our total reach to more than 1.2 million households. We are also working on developing a subscription model that allows our users to receive fresh bread several times a week without having to place an order for each day.  We expect this to take our volumes to even higher levels” says Anette.