Published 2020-12-11

Polaris Media to use Schibsted’s media platform

Polaris Media will use Schibsted’s editorial technology platform for its media houses. The agreement was signed this week.

In recent years, Schibsted has invested significantly in developing its own editorial technology platform, Core News Product. The platform covers the entire editorial work process from content production to online and mobile publishing.

Core News Product is currently in use in all Schibsted’s media houses, from Bygdanytt on Osterøy, to Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, Aftenposten, VG, Svenska Dagbladet, and Aftonbladet. Now Polaris Media’s many media houses will also use Core News Product. This is clear after the two media groups signed an agreement this week.

“The choice of Core News Product is the result of a thorough evaluation process. The platform has been studied together with other solutions in the market, and we are confident that we have chosen the best and most future-oriented solution for Polaris Media. The platform will give us the best conditions to further increase the pace of digital development, and will also strengthen our already good collaboration with Schibsted “, says Per Axel Koch, CEO of Polaris Media

Will be used by all Norwegian media houses in Polaris Media

Polaris Media will initially use the media platform in its 42 media houses in Norway, including Adresseavisen, Sunnmørsposten, Romsdals Budstikke, Agderposten, and Varden. The solution will also be offered to a group of affiliated partner companies. Fædrelandsvennen, Lister, and Lindesnes – which was previously part of Schibsted – already use the platform. The agreement allows Polaris Media to use Core News Product for its media houses in Sweden at a later stage.

Schibsted’s media platform is composed of several modules. The media houses in Polaris Media will use the editorial work tools for journalists. This includes modules for discovering and producing content, a platform for publishing and streaming web TV and podcasts, algorithm-controlled tools for automating the presentation of content on the front pages, as well as tools for live reporting and reader comments.

“The editorial platform is the most important tool for all editorial staff in the group and a precondition for us to be able to produce good and correct content also in the future. Core News Product is the platform that is best suited for our journalists’ digital workflow, as well as best suited for effective collaboration. The platform will ensure that we are best equipped for the digital future. We look forward to using it! ” says Kirsti Husby, editor-in-chief of Adresseavisen.

Solid and flexible platform

“With Core News Product, we have developed a solid and flexible digital media platform that can be used on large as well as small publications, and we are very pleased that Polaris Media has chosen to use the platform. It is a confirmation that our platform is fully on par with external products, ”says Laila Dahlen, Chief Product Officer in Schibsted News Media.

Executive Vice President of Schibsted News Media, Siv Juvik Tveitnes, says the agreement is a natural extension of Schibsted’s strategic collaboration with Polaris Media in a number of areas.

“Core News Product is a significant investment in providing our newsrooms with tools that enable them to best fulfill our role in society. The agreement with Polaris Media will give us even more power to develop this as one of the most modern and forward-looking media platforms. ”