Published 2019-08-30

Schibsted establishes a new collaboration with the University of Oslo

Student life in Schibsted, Telenor, DNV GL and EVRY is about to become reality as the University of Oslo enters into a new type of collaboration with these companies on the implementation of significant innovation projects. The collaboration is part of the Master’s program at the Department of Informatics.

Sven Størmer Thaulow, Schibsted’s Executive Vice President of Data & Technology, has great faith in the new program: “Schibsted has a long tradition of cooperating with educational institutions both in Norway and abroad, and our well-established trainee program is very popular. Through our collaboration with UiO, ties to the university are strengthened, and not least, we can ensure that research is directed towards areas of societal and business-critical importance in the future. In addition, we´ll get to know some of the best talents in their field of expertise in Norway, which is something we really look forward to,” he says.

“Through this collaboration, we gain access to high-quality relevant projects, and students get to experience the culture of innovation within large organizations and attractive potential employers,” says Jens Petter Falck, Associate Professor and Program Counselor for one of the master’s programs.

The goal of the innovation projects is to build in-depth understanding and practical experience in implementing innovation projects in large, complex organizations. The Department of Informatics (IFI) and its partners will jointly organize projects where groups of students work in the partner’s organization throughout a semester. They will each carry out their own project that is important for the partner’s innovation work.

Innovation projects in large technology companies are an integral part of two Master’s programs: Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Management and Informatics: digital economics and management. The programs provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to lead the development and commercialization of new products and services in both large organizations and start-up companies.

“The collaboration is part of our continuous work to further develop the education program,  adapting it to tomorrow’s job market,” Jens Petter Falck says.

“There is a great interest in, and a growing need for work practices in higher education. We are therefore very pleased with the newly started collaboration where master’s students receive guided work practices in strong academic environments, ” says Morten Dæhlen, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. “This is a win-win. It provides relevant work experience for our students and companies get a well-qualified workforce to solve  innovation challenges, ” he concludes.

More information about the program can be found on the University´s homepage here.
Read more about Schibsted’s trainee program here.