Published 2017-11-21

Schibsted Future Report: Our outlook on the future

Today we released Schibsted Future Report 2018 – our annual outlook on trends within tech, society and business.  #FutureReport

For the fourth year Schibsted people, and some of our friends, share their knowledge and thoughts in Schibsted Future Report 2018.

You can follow and share the #FutureReport on  TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Instagram

  • Artificial intelligence is a revolution with more impact than electricity.
  • You will love your robot and speak to your devices.
  • Circular economy and the wish to live a better life will profoundly change every day life.
  • And a 200 year old invention will define the future.

”It’s great to see how Future Report is sparking conversations  all around. We want to share our insights, but also get to know more and learn from others. To talk about the future is a great way to do that, everybody is curious about it!” says Lena K Samuelsson, EVP communications and Brand.

Schibsted is a driving force in the digital world and in the main focus in the report is on how technology is affecting the future. But this year some of the major trends also concern sustainability, authenticity and facts. We also tell the stories behind three of our companies; Leboncoin, VG and Infojobs.

“The Future Report is as always filled with deep knowledge and new insights. I believe this is a fantastic way to show the world a little bit of all the interesting things going on in Schibsted – and the great people we have”, says Schibsted CEO Rolv Erik Ryssdal.

This morning there are presentations in Stockholm and Oslo, other offices will follow, so keep eyes and ears open. Printed copies have also been delivered to major offices. If you need more copies or other material, contact the editor

This is some of the content, enjoy your reading!

AI will power our life

Like electricity changed private life and the society, artificial intelligence will give us a completely new playing field. And just like with electricity – life without AI will be inconvenient and unpleasant.  Azeem Azhar lists four areas he believes will be the first to benefit from AI.

Stop typing, start talking

Voice goes far beyond Siri and her likes. It will probable be the next over all interface – the way we interact with services and devices.  And businesses will interact with their customers in a way that is barely invented yet.


Plugging the gender gap

Two of our eminent women in tech, Melanie Yencken and Elianne Murredu, share three very concrete ways in which companies can take positive steps towards building a more gender-diverse  workplace.

Meet Atelach

Atelach Alemu Argaw has built a Schibsted team working with image recognition and natural languages processing, from scratch.  Meet her and some more of Schibsted’s  people.

Biking into the future

Forget autonomous cars and space travel – new sharing services have made biking explode, and cities are adapting.  Joacim Lund, reporter at Aftenposten, digs into biking, in a story about traffic, health benefits – and risks – and about his grandfather.


The power of journalism

The challenges for journalism are many, but the power and commitment to strengthen society remains solid. Torry Pedersen, is sure about the way ahead: focusing on irrefutable facts, context and depth. There in lies the power of journalism.

Reduce, Reuse, Rethink

How much stuff do we really need? Earth is struggling with our consumption, as world population is growing rapidly. One way to go is to create a more circular economy where we reduce, reuse, repair and recycle. This also means new business opportunities.

Schibsted stories

Did you know that Leboncoin has more than 26 million unique visitors each month? That VG was started by war heroes, and that 60 percent of people in Spain who is looking for a job online, do so on Infojobs? This year we have a new concept where we present some of our companies – we call it Schibsted stories.