Published 2019-05-22

Schibsted Journalism Awards winners 2019

Huge congratulations to Stavanger Aftenblad for winning Best Storytelling and to Verdens Gang for winning Best Innovative Entry and Best Scoop.

Best Scoop: Verdens Gang - Tolga-saken. Photos by Kilian Munch

The Schibsted Journalism Awards is a yearly celebration of our Schibsted staff to honor the best journalistic work in our media houses. As in previous years, the awards ceremony wrapped up the Power of Journalism Day in Oslo – and winners in the three categories “Best Storytelling”, “Best Innovative Entry” and “Best Scoop” were honored with NOK 100,000

Best Storytelling: Stavanger Aftenblad- Gi meg litt lykke før jeg dør – Historien om Siw

The winner creates a thick texture of history, detail and life. The masterful storytelling skills are used to weave a story of great importance about life on the fringe, and that all humans start their lives with hope and optimism.

Best Innovative Entry: Verdens Gang – The warship that crashed and sunk

The winner has created innovation by combining various media forms and true interaction into the heart of the story they want to tell. With solid journalism and groundbreaking techniques, they take us into the actions – and forever teach us the difference between starboard and larboard.

Best Scoop: Verdens Gang – Tolga-saken

The winner has revealed a systematic misuse of a system that everyone trusts – and where the violations from the authorities are so brutal that no-one could imagine they really took place in a nordic country. The effort behind the scoop is massive, and the importance is immense, both for the abused – and for the society.

Here are all the nominees:

Best Storytelling

Aftonbladet – Deras Planet

With photography and storytelling this story portraits those who will be most affected by climate change: the newborn babies. With a clear idea and artful photography we are brought on a journey. The next generations are already paying the price, which becomes painstakingly clear in this well-packaged story.

Stavanger Aftenblad- Gi meg litt lykke før jeg dør – Historien om Siw

The norwegian girl Siw was born with all possibilities to a normal, healthy life. Through deep research and masterful text skills the reporters have managed to reconstruct Siws stormy life, right from her birth to her early death. With respect and literary storytelling her life becomes visible to us readers, and reclaims the dignity Siw never got.

Verdens Gang – Tindersvindleren

Love scams are among the most classic stories and this one take place in the digital world of Whatsapp and Tinder apps. A story unwind through playful use of screen shots and video clips. The result is a story full of hooks and turns, impossible to let go. Our need for love and romance is eternal, and this story tells it in a truly digital and effective way.


Stavanger Aftenblad- Gi meg litt lykke før jeg dør – Historien om Siw

Best Innovative Entry

Aftenposten – Forklart

The stream of news is fast and strong, and almost impossible to completely understand. This nominee put effort in explaining the complicated in a podcast format that has proven successful before. Aftenposten are reaching outside its traditional readership and are creating context, depth and wiser listeners.

Svenska Dagbladet – SvD:s klimatsatsningar

Climate change is on everyones lips, and Svenska Dagbladet is combining different kind of storytelling, formats and all forms of interactions. By doing so they make climate change engaging and vibrant again. This entry has developed a big idea to an engaging, captivating and innovating bouquet of journalism.

Verdens Gang – The warship that crashed and sunk

The norwegian warship Helge Ingstad crashed into a tank ship in a way that got the whole nation to ask themselves – how is this possible? VG used classic journalistic footwork combined with a game engine to simulate and visualize the accident. By doing so the user can interact and experience the crash in an innovative way.


Verdens Gang – The warship that crashed and sunk

Best Scoop

Aftonbladet – Maktens kvitton

Swedish politicians are trusted with the use of public means. No one has inspected their receipts – until now. The journalists has proved that patience and endurance still is the foundation for all stories. This entry has inspired many others to do the same: undress those who disrespect the trust they have earned.

Bergens Tidende – Fengslenes fengsel

Solitary confinement is a final solution in a prison and the regulations are clear. This entry discloses how the rules are violated in systematic and rotten manner, in many cases against weak and sick people. The story is revealed despite many obstacles and barriers along the way and has started a debate and pushed the prison regulation on the political agenda.

Verdens Gang – Tolga-saken

This entry reveals how municipalities and companies have made money by depriving citizens their authority and dignity. The guardian system in Norway have been manipulated in a systematic way and without this journalistic work it may never have become public. The work is enormous in time and scope, but the reward for the journalists is an important story with great impact.


Verdens Gang – Tolga-saken