Published 2020-12-21

Schibsted receives multiple awards for being a top employer in Sweden and the Nordics

New top rankings and awards this year

Schibsted has been awarded Career Company 2021 by Career Companies Sweden, Talent Company of the year by 4potentials and been voted Top 8 most attractive employers in the Nordics among tech professionals.

Schibsted – Career Company 2021

“Schibsted is an excellent example of an employer who performs great employer branding work with their interaction with the younger target group. For example, they introduce kids into programming through their own initiative “Kids Coding camp” – totally ingenious! Schibsted also manages to deliver content of the highest quality in their own digital channels. With a stylish graphic profile combined with a warm corporate culture, you easily become interested in Schibsted as an employer. Every employee story feels genuine and you can clearly see that the fantastic atmosphere at Schibsted is for real. The Career Companies hereby award Schibsted as Career Company 2021” – Nomination by Career Companies.

Career Companies is an award for employers that offer unique career and development opportunities for students and young professionals. The 100 most leading employers in Sweden are being awarded and all companies have gone through a selection process made by an expert jury consisting of specialists in HR, career counselling, and marketing. Read more about the award here.

Talent company of the year by 4potentials

The award as Talent company of the year by 4potentials is based on 6000 students and members of 4potentials that have voted on their most attractive employers. “This is the first time Schibsted is named Talent company of the year by 4 potentials which of course makes us really happy! 4 potentials is a talent community with a high reputation and this is a confirmation that we are reaching out with our story about Schibsted as an employer, says Lena Berlin Stålhammar, Head of Employer Branding at Schibsted.
Read more about the award here.

Top 8 most attractive employers among Tech professionals in the Nordics

Last but not least, Schibsted has been voted as top 8 most attractive employers among Tech professionals in the Nordics. The survey is done by Universum Nordics, the most recognized Employer Branding specialist in the world. This specific ranking reflects the opinions of more than 38,400 professionals from all four Nordic countries to recognize the most coveted employers based solely on the responses collected.
Read more about the survey and download the report here.

“This really shows that Schibsted is becoming more known as a company and employer which is a result of excellent and consistent work with our employer brand. I am proud of the strong culture that characterizes Schibsted. Our engagement surveys clearly show that our employees thrive and that we have a healthy organization. I am very happy that it is recognized in the outside world,” says Mette Krogsrud, Chief People and Corporate Affairs Officer.