Published 2018-04-17

Schibsted shows its strength in the Swedish media industry

Schibsted wins four out of seven awards in the major daily newspaper category of the annual media championships Four wins of a possible seven is an impressive show of strength by Sweden’s leading media house. Here are Schibsted Media’s four victories. Two awards went to Aftonbladet, one to SvD and one to Omni.

Developer of the Year – Anna Careborg, SvD.

Here is the jury’s motivation:
“The Developer of the Year shows that faith in quality journalism and the strength of the story can also rejuvenate the business. At a time when the media industry is being challenged in many different ways, the winner has shown great courage and passionate leadership in maintaining editorial integrity, winning the support of the employees and gaining their trust so that everyone is working towards the same goal. A deceptively simple but brilliant concept. The Developer of the Year is Anna Careborg, Head of premium content, Svenska Dagbladet.”

Sound & Image of the Year – Aftonbladet TV

Here is the jury’s motivation:
“Chaos and panic prevail as Stockholm suddenly becomes the target of a terror attack. When word first arrives of a truck driving into pedestrians on Drottninggatan, the newsroom is faced with a trial by fire. Eight minutes later, the first broadcast begins a marathon of uncertain tasks and intense emotions that will last for more than two days. The newsroom is put to the test down to the last person. With compassion for the victims and correctness in the reporting, the winners demonstrate impressive professionalism and control over the media.
The winner of Sound & Image of the Year is Aftonbladet TV – live broadcast 7 April.”

Idea of the Year – Aftonbladet

Here is the jury’s motivation:
“At a time when the news feeds’ dramaturgy captures the fast-pace of events, important events risk being excluded and forgotten. This year’s winner has used new storytelling technology, a completely unique text and image style, and utilized the full potential of current VR technology. With innovative collaborations, the story has reached a larger audience, and with a humanitarian purpose. This is modern journalism that goes straight to the heart. The winner of Idea of the Year is Aftonbladet: What’s on the plate – what the children have to eat.”

Campaign of the Year – Omni Ekonomi

Here is the jury’s motivation:
“By making the complicated as simple as possible, the upstart has succeeded again. With a spot-on spoken and a creative form, they have reached new readers and, in a very short time, rewritten the game plan.