Published 2020-04-03

Schibsted´s annual report 2019 has been released

Building on the value of data and sustainability

“If I were to summarize 2019 in two words, they would be ‘data’ and ‘sustainability’. That is good news for Schibsted, as both data and sustainability are core building blocks of our business model,” says Schibsted CEO Kristin Skogen Lund.

The value of data

In 2019 it has become evident even outside the world of tech, that data is the world’s fundamental driver of growth, product development and value creation. The largest businesses in the world are platform companies, and the most used products in the world are their services based on personal data.

For Schibsted, the value of data is all about delivering better products to our users and customers. When our digital marketplaces know what you are looking for, they can connect you with the right job, the right house, the right car or the right commodity at the right price. When our media houses know what you like to and want to read, they can give you personalized and more relevant news – and even use data to avoid echo chambers. When our other consumer brands know more about you and your preferences, they can provide you with digital services that save both you and society time, money and resources. Our future success will be determined by our ability to collect, catalogue and capitalize on data.

The value of sustainability

2019 has also highlighted the value of sustainability. Sustainability can no longer be written off as a mere lifestyle choice among consumers, or a legal commitment among governments. Environmental and social sustainability are increasingly integral parts of a business’ financial sustainability. Sustainability earns you the right to play.

For Schibsted, sustainability is at the very core of our business model. Whether it is fostering democracy through quality journalism, letting people make better choices by increasing market transparency or making vast contributions to the circular economy through our marketplaces – all our brands are committed to sustainability, and to our mission of empowering people in their daily lives.

Going for growth

Going forward, Schibsted will build on the value of data and the value of sustainability. While 2019 was a year for re-establishing Schibsted after the Adevinta demerger – focusing on the fundamentals and the organization – 2020 will be a year for further exploration. Schibsted will continue to go for growth based on our unique position in the Nordics and our cross-divisional synergies – while also defending our proven financial performance and our track record in incubating growth businesses. In order to do that, Schibsted will have to be a unifying foundation for our brands – making sure that what we do matters – both for our financial performance and for society.

See the full pdf version of the Schibsted Annual Report 2019 here