Published 2017-04-25

Secondhand trade and other tips to help save the planet

At Schibsted we live and breathe technology and this in itself does wonders for the environment. Our Second Hand Effect Report, released today, shows that users of Schibsted’s marketplaces saved 16,3 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 by buying and selling used goods. But what else can we do in our everyday life to help the planet?

1.     Pass things on

We all own stuff that we’ve lost interest in. That’s because our interests and needs change all the time. But instead of keeping clothes, tools, sports equipment and other stuff in storage, we can give them away or sell them on the secondhand market.

2.     Research your clothing brands  

Making clothes requires huge amounts of water, energy and raw materials, not to mention chemicals. When getting new clothes, research the brands you buy and consider quality and durability. Quality products are usually more environmentally friendly and will save you money since they last longer. 

3.     Don’t throw away food

Research shows that around one-third of all food out there is wasted. We all unwittingly contribute to this by buying too much food and throwing it away as soon as it expires. Instead, we can plan a bit better and throw away less food or… nothing.

4.     Eat local

Seasonal food, grown close to the places where we live, tastes better and has more nutrients in it. Much of the food from across the world is picked unripe in order to survive the long journey. Shorter transportation has a far less negative impact on the environment too.

5.     Give up meat once a week

Eating less meat can reduce greenhouse gasses caused by livestock and intensive farming. Try excluding meat from your diet once a week and choose a low carbon diet overall. This will reduce your environmental footprint significantly.

6.     Read the ingredients list on your shampoo

Typically, cosmetic products and cleaning detergents contain many chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Water treatment plants often cannot cope with them and they escape into nature. Thankfully, there are many environmentally friendly alternatives. Look out for those!

7.     Take the train

Flying is the fastest way to travel, but it’s also among the worst sources of pollution. If we take the train when traveling short distance, we are polluting far less. It’s also faster than you think and much more scenic. ?

8.     Use public transport or cycle

You will be surprised how many cars out there carry one passenger only. No wonder we experience traffic jams. Cars are one of the worst sources of pollution in cities too. Instead of getting stuck in traffic, choose public transport or cycle. It’s environmentally friendly and gets you by quicker and cheaper than driving.

9.     Do you know your electricity supplier?

Traditional sources of energy are huge contributors to climate change. We are completely reliant on electricity but hardly think about the way it’s produced or the emissions it creates.

Try switching to green energy. Renewable energy produces no CO2. 

10.  Don’t forget to recycle

Not everything can be passed on or sold. Don’t just put things in the trash though. Clothes, mobiles, bicycles, even your old sofa, can have a second life as something else. The production of all these goods is very energy-intensive. Some, like fridges, contain substances that are very hazardous for the planet and people and need to be handled in a proper way.