Published 2021-01-18

Sign up to Kids Coding Camp!

Schibsted invites all kids in Sweden and Norway, aged nine to twelve, to a digital Kids Coding Camp, starting February 10. This will give your child an opportunity to learn the language of tomorrow – and to have a fun and inspiring online experience!

2020-02-27 Schibsted Kids coding camp 2020 PÅ bilden: Foto:Magnus Sandberg

The camp consists of three sessions taking place on February 10, March 24 and April 28. The kids will take their first steps in programming together with teachers from our partner Kodcentrum and programmers from Schibsted via a live Youtube link. The event is held in Swedish.

 Click here to read more and to sign up your child, the last day for registration is February 4!

“This is our sixth coding camp so far, and we have inspired and trained approximately 150 kids in Sweden and Norway,” says Sofia Friberg, Project Lead for Schibsted Kids Coding Camp. She adds, “We do this because we believe it is important that more kids and youth get access to tools and knowledge they can use to impact the future, for themselves and for society. And because we work with technology as a foundation for our business – we want to inspire kids to be tomorrow’s talents.”

In this project Schibsted has partnered with Kodcentrum in Sweden and Lær Kidsa Koding in Norway.

Here are some more facts:

  • All kids between the age of nine and twelve are welcome to register. 
  • The language is Swedish.
  • The training is divided into three sessions, each 1.5 hours, on these dates: 10/2, 24/3, and 28/4.
  • The kids will code in the programming tool Scratch via a live Youtube link. Everyone registered will receive access on email one week prior to the event. 
  • The kids will have direct contact with the teachers from Kodcentrum and Schibsted via a chat. 
  • We will focus on making games. 
  • Each session is divided into two parts. The first will focus on getting to know Scratch and the game we will code. In the second part, we will do the actual coding.
  • All kids are more than welcome to invite friends or classmates to join the; everyone is welcome to participate.

Click here to read more about the camp.