Published 2014-06-18

SvD has Sweden’s best business journalists

Swedish business leaders,finance analysts, investment relations and PR managers have chosen Sweden’s leading business and finance journalists.

The communications consultancy Hallvarsson & Halvarsson publishes the annual ranking of Swedish business journalists.

This year’s result is a knockout: Five SvD employees among the eight best: that is a new record, and proves beyond any doubt that SvD has Sweden’s best business journalists. Andreas Cervenka is ranked top, Carolina Neurath number three, and Patricia Hedelius number four. All of them work in SvD.

Andreas Cervenka defends his leading position from last year – despite having taken paternity leave. Not only can Cervenka yet again call himself Sweden’s leading finance journalist; his and Jacob Bursell’s Nuon exposé is also ranked among the years most important news events.

Last year’s number two Carolina Neurath is ranked third this year, despite having taken a leave of absence.

Patricia Hedelius, SvD’s stock market columnist and blogger, won an honorable fourth place, making her this year’s shooting star; last year she was ranked outside the top ten, but this year her incisive stock market analyses have pushed her far up the list.

Like last year, SvD’s success was completed with Per Lindvall in seventh place and Torbjörn Isacson as number eight.

With a team consisting of Sweden’s leading financial and business journalists SvD once again confirms its position, showing a rock-solid brand.

SvD Näringsliv

Affärsmedia- & Ekonomijournalistrankingen 2014