Published 2018-03-09

Two Schibsted employees ranked among Norways foremost tech women

On International Women’s Day, it was announced that Laila S. Dahlen and Ingvild Næss were on the list of Norway’s foremost 50 tech women according to the Abelia and ODA-Nettverk list.

As Abelia states on its web pages, Norwegian business needs problem solvers of both sexes to succeed. Today, there is an overwhelming majority of men working in tech and the need for IT expertise is increasing.

“Congratulations! We are very proud to have such talented role models as Ingvild and Laila. We would like to have even more women in the Product & Tech area, which is traditionally male-dominated. It is crucial to have diversity to represent our users and to create the best products and solutions in the future,” says CEO Rolv Erik Ryssdal.

“Schibsted is a place where you can claim your space. I think part of the challenge is the fact that some women make such high demands on themselves that they choose not to claim their own space. This means that we need to support many ladies actively. I believe we can become better at seeing individuals, showing good role models and being explicit that we want diversity,” says Ingvild Næss, who is responsible for Privacy in Schibsted.

“The influence on women’s choices needs to start early. Today, too few women choose an education within tech, which has consequences when they start their career. Previously, mostly men became doctors and lawyers, now there are more women than men. A similar development should be possible within tech as well,” says Laila S. Dahlen, Head of Product and UX in Schibsted Marketplaces.

“A career in technology gives the opportunity to influence and to be innovative and creative in solving important issues for people and society. I believe that many women are slightly narrow-minded about what it means to work in tech. In my view, female role models and a demystification of what it means to work in tech can help more people choose this career. In order to attract more women, companies like Schibsted must reach a minimum critical mass of women in technology. At the same time, women need to grab opportunities,” Laila continues.

Finally, Laila adds, “when talking with own children and other youngsters, all Schibsted employees should talk warmly of the job opportunities in tech. Together we can make a difference. A concrete example of this is when FINN arranged “Coding School” for employees’ children during the summer holiday last year. There, my 8-year-old daughter was introduced to Scratch, which is something she has continued to explore in her spare time.”

The award is divided into three categories (Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Professionals), and both Laila S. Dahlen and Ingvild Næss are in the category Professionals, which includes project managers, experts and advisors. The jury’s criteria is that all candidates must work in value-creating industries, ie private business and value-added tasks, such as sales and / or production, and not in staff functions.

Click here for more information about the award