Published 2020-04-06

Users on Blocket and Finn are helping the community

With lots of people in the Corona risk groups being isolated in their homes, help is needed. On the Schibsted marketplaces Finn and Blocket they can ask for assistance and people who want to help out can post an ad and offer support.

”Hi our names are Pernilla and Martin, we’d like to help you who are in the risk groups for the Corona virus. Contact us if you need help with everyday chores like shopping, walking your dog or deliveries”.

You can find hundreds of ads like this in the #blockethjälpen section on Blocket and in the Koronahjelp section on Finn. Pernilla in the ad above is actually CEO of Blocket.
”Me and my family do this because we can”. In these times you need to help out, Pernilla Nissler says.

For Blocket and Finn it was natural to start these sections to help people connect. Finn heard from many people that they wanted to help people who’s in quarantine or that need support for other reasons right now. So they set up the Koronahjelp, where you can assist with shopping, walking a dog, deliveries, digital education – or just talk to someone who is lonely. The section has become a strong, impressive and essential community during these difficult days. Initiatives like this also create unexpected experiences. Like for Catharina Skommevik who also posted an ad at #blockethjälpen. Last Wednesday she delivered bags with groceries to a 72 year old woman.

”Her name was Selin and usually her son helps her, but he had a cold” explains Catharina.
Selin had put in an order at Ica Maxi that she wanted Catharina to pick up and deliver.
”She contacted me a week before so we spoke several times on the phone. I could tell she was worried”.
Catharina picked up the groceries, added some tulips and an Easter greeting into one of the bags and left them at Selin’s doorstep.
”When I came I saw a woman waving behind the curtains from a window”.
Back in her car she phoned Selin again, who was very grateful.
”I still don’t know who she is or what she looks like, but I think my effort made her life a little bit easier for a short while.”

The coronavirus has impacted every level of society, including our business.
Schibsted is adapting, innovating and adding to its services to help our audiences during the corona crisis. Over 80 percent of our 5,000 staff are now working from home, with only crucial functions utilizing company offices. Despite this, we are 100 percent dedicated to delivering the news and services that the public demands – working harder than ever to find new solutions, add value and report from the front line.

This is a difficult time. Every individual has been affected by this crisis, but together we will get through it.